Well Energy Practice


At well energy practice we are focused on providing Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine consultation, herbal products for Postpartum health and promote children's growing product services with the highest levels of patient satisfaction.

We will do everything best we can to meet your expectations.


With a variety of offerings to choose from, we’re sure you’ll be happy working with us. 


Look around our website and if you would like to discuss your particular situation, or have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us. 


Alan is a registered health practitioner of AHPRA (Acupuncturist, Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Chinese Herbal Dispenser) since 2012. 


Alan holds a Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Australia and is qualified in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Remedial Massage in Australia.


Alan has been appointed a Justice of the Peace in and for the State of New South Wales since 2010.


He specialises in Chinese herbal products for postpartum health, skin disorders, gastrointestinal disorders and supplementary treatment for cancer patients.




· 我鄭重地宣誓,我將給予我的師長最大的崇敬及感戴。

· 我將視中醫同業為我的手足。

· 我將尊重病人所寄託的秘密。

· 我將要盡我的力量,全心全意救人離苦,以人為本,尊重生命。

· 我鄭重地保證治病不分貴賤貧富,長幼親疏,皆當一視同仁,視病如親。

· 我將以病人的健康為首念,不容許有宗教,國籍,種族,政治或地位的考量。

· 我將盡可能地維護人類生命,絕不運用我的中醫醫學知識去違反人道醫療

· 我將慎於言辭,不容許揚長論短,誹謗攻擊,炫耀才眾,沽名釣譽的行為。

· 我將本諸我的良心和尊嚴從事中醫行業,維護中醫師的榮譽和高尚的傳統。

· 基於以上的理念,我鄭重地,自主地宣誓以上的誓詞。

      明朝李時珍                            醫聖張仲景

The Oath of Chinese Medicine Practitioners


Having chosen Chinese herbal medicine to be my profession. 


I hereby solemnly swear that I will honor my mentors and appreciate their contributions. 


I will see all Chinese medicine practitioners and my colleagues with comity. 


I will protect my patients’ confidentiality. 


I will do my utmost to help people, respect lives and humanity. 


I promise sincerely that I will treat my patients regardless of their social status, wealth, age or their relationship with me. I will treat them like family.


I will prioritize my patients’ heath regardless of their religion, nationality, politics or social status. 


I will try my best to improve human lives and never use my knowledge of Chinese medicine against humanity. 


I will be cautious of my words with no tolerance of gossips or hurtful actions, bragging or seeking fame.


I will practicemy profession with good conscience, dignity, professional ethics and tomaintain the highest professional and ethical standards for the profession.


Upon my beliefsstated above, I hereby solemnly and voluntarily pledge my oath.