Vacuum Cupping Therapy


The principal & mechanism of Cupping Therapy

Cupping is an ancient Chinese method use for causing local congestion.

A partial vacuum is created in cups placed on the skin either by means of heat or suction. This draws up the underlying tissues. When the cup is left in place on the skin for a few minutes, blood stasis is formed and healing takes place.

Cupping is generally not painful. After cupping treatment, it may leave a localized blood stasis or bruise mark on the skin. Cupping can decomposed agglutinated erythrocytes, anti-inflammatory, accelerated muscle restore , HO-1 physiological transformation and pain relief.

The color of the bruise mark will indicate the condition inside your body such as purple color means heat, while white color cold. Sometime it may cause one to several blisters which indicates fluid retention inside your body.

The bruise or blister will disappear in 7 to 10 days. However, in some cases, it takes longer period to disappear due to poor blood circulation.

Cupping 拔罐的原理與臨床的意義









  • 起罐後,沒有罐印,或雖有罐印但立即消失,皮膚恢復如常,提示身體基本正常或病邪較輕。

  • 罐印紫黑而暗:表示供血不足,行經不暢有血淤現象。

  • 罐印發紫並伴有斑塊:表示寒凝血淤症。

  • 罐印呈散在紫點狀,且深淺就一,表示氣滯血淤症。

  • 罐印鮮紅而艷:表示陰虛,氣血兩虛或陰虛火旺。

  • 罐印紅而暗:表示血脂高,且有熱邪。

  • 罐印灰白,觸而不溫,多為虛寒或濕邪。

  • 罐印呈青色,則表明為寒症。

  • 走罐後出現大面積黑紫印跡,提示感受風寒。

  • 罐印表面有皮紋或微癢:表示風邪或濕症。

  • 罐體內壁有水氣:表示該部位有濕氣。

  • 罐印出現水泡,說明體內濕氣重,如果水泡內有血水,是濕熱毒的反應。